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Terms & Conditions


The present website is published by Legrand France  
A public limited company (“société anonyme”) with a registered capital of €54.912.550 
SIRET No. 758 501 001 00013 
Code APE 7010Z  
128, av. du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny 
87000 Limoges (France) 
RCS Limoges 758 501 001 
VAT identification number: TVA FR 94 758 501 001 
Publishing director: Antoine BUREL 

Latest update: April 2023 

The present website is hosted on AWS servers. 

Amazon Web Services, Inc. 
P.O. Box 81226 
Seattle, WA 98108-1226 


By using this website (the “Website”) you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. We would like to invite you to read it carefully. 

Since these terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice, you are invited to consult it regularly. 



Legrand Group owns, reserves and retains all property rights, particularly intellectual property, including copyright for this Website and its content. The brands cited on this Website (non-exhaustive list: Legrand©, Céliane™, Mosaic™, Plexo™, etc.) are registered trademarks.  

These Terms of Use does not imply the transfer of any Website-related intellectual property rights whatsoever, regarding both the structure and the content of the Website.  

Any representation or reproduction, in part or in whole, for purposes other than for your personal and private use in pursuit of a non-commercial aim, on any medium or using any process, is strictly prohibited without written permission from Legrand Group or the assignees or successors thereof. Any breach of this copyright would thus constitute counterfeiting. 

You expressly undertake that your use of the Website will not in any way prejudiced the rights of Legrand Group. 



The Legrand Group processes your personal data in compliance with applicable regulations. You can consult the data processing terms and conditions in the "Data Privacy Policy" section. 



For French subsidiaries, according to article R.541-10-23 of the French Environmental Code, Legrand Group adheres to eco-organisms VALOBAT and ECOSYSTEMS, in charge of the collect, the retirement, the processing and the recycling of building products and materials in the construction sector (BPMC) and electrical and electronic equipment (EEE). Hereafter for Legrand Data Center Solutions France, the unique identifiers by sector concerned by the extended producer’s liability:  

  • BPMC: FR299411_04QONE 

  • EEE: FR025679_05RHWV 

It is specified that VALOBAT adherents have to impact and to display the eco-contribution which they pay for the products they put on the market on the invoices of their professional customers.  

As such, the part of the unit price that Legrand Group pays for the management of BPMC and EEE wastes as invoiced by eco-organisms is totally impacted to the buyer, without possibility of rebate. 

The amount of eco-contributions is mentioned in the products sheets.  



Given the characteristics of the Internet network for the use of the Website, you declare you are well aware and you assume the risks arising, directly or indirectly, from the availability and transmission of the data through this network. 

Although Legrand Group makes every effort to provide reliable content, and despite the care taken in its operation, some errors may be found in this Website. Under no circumstances can Legrand Group be held liable for direct or indirect damage resulting from accessing this Website or using the information contained therein (e.g.: errors, omissions, inaccessibility, data loss, damage, destruction or viruses liable to affect the user's I.T. equipment). Therefore, you are invited to make any necessary checks and to regularly update the Website. 

Legrand Group shall not be in particular held liable for any viruses that might be present on the Website or any other malware (worms, Trojans, spyware…). In this regard, you undertake to take all necessary security measures. Therefore, you acknowledge using the Website under your own exclusive responsibility and you are invited to make any necessary checks. It is in particular your responsibility to set up or ensure the use of a personal secured computer network, as well as to ensure a correct technical configuration of the connection box connected to your Internet Service Provider and of other devices such as radio access equipment (WIFI, 4G…). 

Legrand Group shall not be liable for any interruptions in the access to the Website. In addition, Legrand Group may, at its own discretion, either temporarily or indefinitely interrupt access to the Website. In order to ensure effectiveness and security of the services, we reserve the right to make changes at any time, without notice, to the technical characteristics of our services.  

To the fullest extent permitted by the law, Legrand Group or its partners shall not, in any case, be liable for indirect damage, consequential damage, lost profit or damage from data loss or from operating loss caused by use or by impossibility of using the Website or its content, whether based in contract, negligence, tort, strict liability or any other basis and whether or not Legrand Group has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 

In case of force majeure or act of God (such as disruption of connections and/or of power supply), Legrand Group reserves the right to terminate or suspend without notice the operation of the Website. The force majeure suspends the obligations of Legrand Group for the entire duration of the force majeure event. 

It is expressly understood that are considered as cases of force majeure, in addition to those which are usually retained by law and case law in France, fires, storms, lightning, strikes, floods, earthquakes, epidemics, terrorist attacks, explosions, war, military operations or civil disorders, disruption of means of transportation or procurement, shortage of energy supply, computer viruses, electrical and electromagnetic phenomena which disturb the mobile networks, any legislative or regulatory measures regarding the Website, in whole or in part, in particular those imposed by an organization or a national or international authority, as well as any modifications of these ones, and generally any event which has required the Website of local or national plans for maintaining telecommunication service continuity. 

Website content 

Although LEGRAND makes every effort to provide reliable content, and despite the care taken in the wording of the text and publishing of photographs, some errors may be found in the information given on this Website. Under no circumstances can LEGRAND be held liable for direct or indirect damage resulting from accessing the Website or using the information contained therein (e.g.: errors, omissions, inaccessibility, data loss, damage, destruction or viruses liable to affect the user's I.T. equipment). Therefore, the user accepts to use this information under his/her sole liability and is invited to make any necessary checks. 

Hypertext links 

LEGRAND has no control over the content of third party websites/applications. LEGRAND and its subsidiaries thus formally deny any liability for the content of the linked websites/applications. These links are provided to users of the LEGRAND Website/Application or its subsidiaries' or affiliated entities' websites/applications as a service. The decision to activate the links is solely up to Internet users. Please note that non-affiliated websites/applications are subject to their own terms of use. 

LEGRAND implemented measures aimed to ensure the security of personal data collected on the LEGRAND Website. Though, LEGRAND wishes to draw the users' attention to potential risks in terms of data confidentiality linked to the Internet use. 



Legrand Group grants to you a right to access and use the Website. The equipments and other physical facilities, in particular the telecommunications costs, necessary to access to the Website are under your exclusive responsibility. 

Legrand Group implemented measures aimed to ensure the security of personal data collected on the Website. Though, Legrand Group wishes to draw the users' attention to potential risks in terms of data confidentiality linked to the Internet use. 

You may only use this Website in compliance with these Terms of Use and, in any case, you may only use this Website for lawful purposes, i.e. in compliance with all applicable legislation, regulations and practices in France or in the country from which the Website is accessed. 

In particular, you agree: 

  • Not to publish, send or distribute any prejudicial, obscene, defamatory or unlawful information either on or from this Website; 

  • Not to use this Website in a manner liable to infringe the rights of others; 

  • Not to copy or reproduce in part or in whole, for purposes other than for your personal and private use in pursuit of a non-commercial aim, materials on this Website, including but not limited to logos, texts, layout, visuals, graphics, icons, schemes, photographs, except with prior written permission from Legrand Group 

  • Not to make unauthorised, false or fraudulent reservations; 

  • Not to use any software, routine or device with a view to hindering or attempting to hinder the proper operation of the Website, either manually or electronically, by any means, particularly with respect to the uploading or accessibility of files containing altered data or viruses; 

  • Not to degrade, alter or change the graphic appearance of this Website or the constituent software codes thereof; 

  • Not to undertake any action liable to cause unreasonable or disproportionate traffic on the Website or on an associated infrastructure; 

  • Not to copy all or part of the Website on any other Website, website or internal company network;  

  • Not to set hypertext links to the Website without the prior written authorization of Legrand Group ; 

  • Not to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorised access to any of our networks, by any means. 

  • Any downloading or reproduction of the materials of this Website should be subject to a specific authorization of Legrand Group; 

  • Not implement systems that would or be able to constitute an infringement of copyright or of any intellectual property rights or an act of unfair competition of the Website or likely to violate these Terms of Use;  

  • To alert Legrand Group as soon as you become aware of an incident, in particular in case of illegal or forbidden use of the Website or its content or in case of hacking;  

  • To check that the computer system used contains no viruses and is in perfect working order. 

Without prejudice to the other rights thereof (regardless of whether they are legal in origin or not), Legrand Group reserves the right to deny access to this Website if it deems (at its entire discretion) that you are in breach of any of the clauses of these Terms of Use. 

Legrand Group reserves the right to improve or amend the information, services, products and other items on this Website, or to shut the Website down, at any time, without notice. 



Legrand Group reserves the right to amend these Terms of Use at any time, these amendments being applicable immediately, as soon as they are published online on this Website. Therefore, by continuing to access or use this Website, you are deemed to have accepted the amendments of these Terms of Use. 



This Website and its conditions and Terms of Use are governed by French Law, regardless of the place of use. In the event of any possible dispute, and after attempts have been made to seek an out-of-court settlement, all claims arising out of or relating to this Website will be litigated exclusively in the courts of Paris (France).